Lucy Burke-Smith
Lucy is Associate Partner and Trustee for our Asia Pacific region. As a Purcell Trustee she acts as custodian of the future of Purcell and works to foster the engagement of all Employee Owners towards our Collective Ambition.
Lucy has been with Purcell for 5 years and heads up our Hobart team, managing projects throughout Tasmania and the wider Asia Pacific Region. Having lived and worked in Sydney for many years prior, she is familiar with the application of various national, state, and local heritage provisions and has experience in the management of places of world, state, and local significance.
Lucy oversees projects across our Government Client base, focusing on the long-term care and conservation of Heritage Assets through policy development, masterplanning, and physical conservation works. She also manages the provision of heritage advice across Private Sector projects in the form of documentation such as Heritage Impact Assessments, Feasibility Studies, and Pre Purchase Due Diligence.
Early in her career in Architecture, Lucy’s passion and interest in Heritage was sparked during a graduate programme with NSW Public Works where she learned about traditional materials and construction techniques.
Her approach to conservation projects is centred around ensuring viable futures for heritage assets through developed solutions for sensitive change. Lucy believes that conservation is an additive, not a subtractive process and that we must work with the legacy of the built and urban environment we have in creating sustainable futures.
Lucy’s extensive knowledge of conservation techniques spans stone, mortars, renders, plaster, and traditional roofing. Such understanding has contributed to successfully delivering projects such as Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery and our work at KAVHA.
Since opening our office in Tasmania 5 years ago, Lucy’s profile and Purcell’s reputation has developed into one trusted by public and private clients across Australia. Lucy has spoken at Australia ICOMOS Annual Conferences, City of Launceston Heritage Festival, University of Sydney and the PIA Tasmania Conference on the topic of New Design in Heritage Settings. In addition she is currently a Chapter Councillor with the Australian Institute of Architects (Tasmania). She has also been involved in the AIA Tasmania Awards, acting as Jury Chair in 2020 and Jury Member in 2022.